Tuesday, June 27, 2006

In the first major item of business today, the Business of Synod Committee gave its report on communications, most of which are related to decisions of presbyteries or were passed along by presbyteries for Synod decision.

Communication 06-1 is a request for financial help for the Hudson-St. Lazare, Quebec, RPC to expedite their purchase of a suitable building. A committee was appointed to review this and to report this week.

Communication 06-2 came from a committee of Midwest Presbytery and asks for Synod’s counsel regarding the re-ordination of a teaching elder. It was referred back to Midwest Presbytery as the court of original jurisdiction. Pastor Jeff Stivason pointed out that, according to the RPCNA Book of Discipline, consent of the presbytery that initiated the earlier deposition of this elder would also be needed.

Communication 06-3 requests a ruling on what the contents of the communion cup may be. It was referred back to Midwest Presbytery as having been answered by the 2002 Synod. Some questioned whether all the questions of this communication were answered by the 2002 decisions, but the recommendation of the Business of Synod committee was approved.

Communication 06-4 is from the Hebron, Kan., RPC requesting a ruling on a judicial action taken by Midwest Presbytery on a longstanding case. It was referred to a special judicial committee.

Communication 06-5 from the St. Lawrence Presbytery requests a ruling on what constitutes a true church as required in the Directory for Worship 3:9, in connection with who is able to take communion in session-controlled communion. This was declared to have been answered by the 1977 Synod. Two requests to entertain substitute motions failed.

Communication 06-6 regards the nature of session meetings and the level of their openness to the public, and is a “complaint” of a Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery decision. It was referred to Synod’s judicial committee.

Communication 06-7 is an appeal of a decision of Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery on an interpretation of the Covenant of Church membership. That, too, was referred to the judicial committee.